Linggo, Setyembre 21, 2014

The Japanese Occupation

  Because of the excess of the Japanese population and their manufactured goods, they look for territories to accommodate them and the Commonwealth regime was rudely interrupted. They started the war in the Pacific. Japanese Naval bombers attacked the Pearl Harbor in Hawaii so the United States declared war against them and the war in the Pacific was formally on. As a consequence of this war, the Philippines was occupied by the Japanese. Filipinos suffered the rigors of war for three years. Thousands upon thousands were executed and imprisoned but the spirit of the revolt continued to plague Japanese authorities to the end of the occupation.

Background of the Pearl Harbor

                Theodore Roosevelt, the President of the United States, thought that with the Philippines under the United States, no foreign power would dare antagonize them, yet because of the rising power of Japan, he expressed his apprehension a year later. He wrote letters to different people containing his thoughts about Japan and the situation they were in. Japan’s power was fast rising in the Pacific and the Philippine’s defense was rather inadequate, Roosevelt’s fear was not without justification. Meanwhile, Japan was expanding in surrounding areas. Japanese troops were concentrating in the Southeast Asia, Filipino and American leaders feared that Philippines might become the next target of Japanese Expansion program. United States prevented Japan and exerted all efforts to come to a peaceful understanding with Japan. Japan sent Admiral K. Nomura to Washington to discuss American-Japanese problems in a peaceful manner. It was believed that Nomura would propose peace to American officials to avert the war. While Nomura was presenting his government’s peace proposals to the secretary of State, Cordell Hull, the Japanese bombers surprised Pearl Harbor in Hawaii and sank the cream of the American Navy. It happened in the early morning of December 7, 1941, Hawaiian time.

Roosevelt and the War

                Because of the bombing happened in Hawaii, American people frenzied in anger. Secretary Hull couldn’t believe that the Japanese peace proposals were full of infamous falsehoods and distortions. American naval and military losses at Pearl Harbor, the tragedy struck deep into the heart of the Americans. Monday, December 8, 1941, at 12:25 PM, both houses of Congress met in joint session. Roosevelt delivered his message and asked the congress to declare a war. He wanted revenge. Ten minutes later, the House of the Representatives declared a war with a single dissenting note.

The Japanese Offensive

                In order to immediately strike the rich Dutch and British possessions in the Southeast Asia, the Japanese Naval and air forces had to destroy the American Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor and then attack the Philippines. While Pearl Harbor was being attacked, Japanese bombers and naval guns were shelling Wake Island. American marines fought back heroically but were smothered by the numerical superiority of the attacking enemy. In Southeast Asia, Japanese advanced against Malaya on their way to capture Singapore. Japanese planes attacked Port area and the ships at the piers. To spare the city, General MacArthur declared Manila an open city but the Japanese did not respect Manila as an open city. The Japanese sent bombers and bombed Manila. Face with the grimness and brutality of the war, the Filipinos confronted for the first time the total war. They remained calmed in the face of danger.
The Occupation of Manila

                Japanese planned carefully the attack on the Philippines. Philippine defenses were poor so there was just a little opposition to Japanese landings and only a few planes were on hand to battle the latter. Rumors circulated in Manila that American bombers had arrived and that the Japanese bombers and fighter planes would be blasted out of the blue skies if ever they attempt to fly over Manila. Consequently, when the enemy forces landed north and south Luzon, no effective defense could prevent the Japanese from knifing their way through USAFFE territory. Meanwhile, Japanese major landings were made. They stormed ashore, though previously warned of the invasion, failed to prevent the landing. Despite heroic defense whose purpose was to give the USAFFE enough time to retreat, the Japanese armies marched toward Manila. The advance elements of the Japanese invasion forces entered Manila from the north and the south. Manila became an occupied city.

The Republic

                The Japanese authorities realized that it was difficult to channel Filipino sympathy toward them and consequently did everything in their power, from threats to caress, to dissipate the Filipino’s hostility. They wanted to make the Filipinos believed that their intentions was to see the Philippines become a Republic. They promised to grant the Philippines its independence as long as it cooperates and recognizes Japan’s program. The Filipinos, however, were not fooled by their promises.. Nevertheless, they rejoiced over the announcement of Philippines “independence”.  KALIBAPI was instructed to form the Preparatory Commission for Philippine Independence. The Commission then prepared the draft of the proposed Constitution. The studied enthusiasm over the approaching independence was no climbing to its climax. Amidst the simulated applause and hurrahs of the Filipino audience who had no choice in the matter for the election of Jose P. Laurel to be the President of the future Republic, the Declaration of the Independence was read.

1 komento:

  1. When I think about it, Japanese people back then were very cheater and one of a liar people. They did everything to colonize countries, especially Philippines, because of their excess of properties. They made the Filipinos suffer, agonize and in pain because of what they did. They were selfish enough to attacked the Pearl Harbor in Hawaii and made the Filipinos suffered the rigors of war. Because of the sudden attacked of the Japanese naval in Hawaii, United States declared war against them. Philippines got involved due to the thoughts of the United States that if Philippines were under them, no foreign power would dare antagonized them yet Japan were just too powerful. When the war was going, Japanese’s power was fast rising that made United States froze in fear. I guess, the war gave the United States the chance to do their best to prove their rights to win. United States exerted all their efforts and they united to win the war, so I guess, it was not really that. Though the Filipinos suffered because of it, we still have to be thankful with the Americans, especially to Douglas MacArthur on what he did to the Philippines.
